Hello everyone,
Well the past two days have been different than the rest. I was given back my red tag as I earned my ears as a Parade Audience Control person. For this role I set up ropes and poles along the parade route. During the parade I help block cross walks and direct traffic, along with making sure no one runs out into the road.
So far no major disasters have occured in this role but I have heard a lot of wonderful stories. The worst that has been done to me was a lady that was in an electric wheel chair stood up during the parade, pushed me outta her way, and told me I was in the way of her picture. That was a wonderful way to start my training. Then, last night I was directing traffic and a women yelled at me when I asked her to keep moving. We apparently get yelled at a lot by guests so hopefully it won't make me too angry.
On the flip side, this job does give you the most guest interaction of all the roles. After we set up for the parade we get to do PACtivities (Parade Audience Control -PAC and activities (get it... yeah its lame I know!)) This includes talking with the guests, hoola-hoops, stickers, pins, jump ropes and so on! It is a great time to talk to random people, make jokes, give directions and advice and so on! I do really love that part!
As a conclusion to our training we received a special treat! My trainer took us to the roof top of the Ice Cream Parlor to watch the fireworks. This is the very last building before the castle and the view was AMAZING! It is something I will always remember. Its to bad that cameras are not permitted backstage otherwise I would have some amazing pictures!
I will be rotating between these two jobs for the rest of the semester.
September 5th marks our first Halloween Party of the year as well. This means lots of late nights and even better looking costumes! Aparently they are pretty bad so I will post a picture after the first party. I have heard however, that the parade and fireworks are the best at these parties so I am excited for that!
I hope all is well with everyone! Heidi and I both have off Wednesday and Thursday this week so I will write again after we haveome good adventures! Miss everyone!

Hi Brooke,
You look great in your costume...very professional....have fun and look forward to seeing the costume for halloween. Can't wait until we come and see you in October...
Love and miss you.
Oh Brookie Cookie,
You look so adorable. I love your outfit.
We missed your call again,I will call you tomorrow, I PROMISE!
We love you and miss you lots
(only 113 days :))
Take care
Love you Aunt Jeanette
Hey Brookie Alice :)
I am so glad we were able to talk the other night. Sorry about the connection, my computer is so messed up. Anyway, Jamie and Jacob started school, ( Jacob only sharpened 18 pencils for the first day :) He had butterflies that he wanted to get out of his stomach).
Needless to say the first day was a big success now only 179 more to go until they are done :)
I hope you both enjoyed your days off, have fun dressing up for the Halloween parade. Send a picture!
We love you & miss you,
(110 days Yea!!!!)
Aunt Jeanette
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