My second set of visitors are currently packing. The Zimmers come on Saturday and Daniel comes the following Friday! I am very excited!
So, My life right now is not very interesting. I figured I would enlighten everyone with Disney Trivia.
Here is the first Trivia Question:
How many bricks are in Cinderella's Castle and How Tall is it?
Any guesses? (NO GOOGLE or search engines!)

Ok Brookie,
I will take a guess? Over a thousand and under a million :)
Yea! Do I win !!!
I am so glad you are having visitors and having fun being down there. Enjoy your company !!
We love you lots
Aunt Jeanette
P.S 91 more days:)
Oh wait I forgot to tell you how tall.
Taller then the trees and as high as the mountains.:)
Love you
I am going to say that there are NO bricks in Cinderella's castle! It is building on a steel frame.
As for the height, I don't have a clue. However, I know it is just short enough to not have to put a blinking light on it for airplanes.
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