The past week has been very busy!
The Zimmers were here and I had a lot of fun showing them around, going out to eat, and playing in the park. On Monday we went to the Crystal Palace to eat with the Winnie The Pooh characters. It was a lot of fun to see the kids get excited when they came to our table. On Wednesday we ate at the Sci-Fi Dine-in at Hollywood. It is suppose to be like a drive-in movie. You eat in cars and watch old movie clips! It was really godo and a lot of fun! The best dinner was on Thursday night. Because they had 15 people they qualified for grad gatherings. With this you get to do extra things in the parks. We did a Safari Celebration Dinner at Animal Kingdom. After the park closed we got to do a special safari and then had dinner! It was a lot of fun! Friday morning was my last day with them and we went back to the Animal Kingdom forbreakfast. Mickey, Donald, and Daisy were all there to greet us! The Zimmers stayed on unti Saturday but on Friday Dan came to visit me!
This was at the Safari Celebration! This was the whole group that came down to Disney with the Zimmers!
On Thursday, the grandparents watched the kids and we went to Disney Quest at Downtown Disney. It was fun, but not if you get sick on virtual rides!

Dan was here from Friday until Sunday for our 5 year anniversary! It was a lot of fun! On Friday we went to Animal Kingdom so that Dan could meet Heidi on the Safari! We also did Expedition Everest! Then we went to Hollywood Studios for The lights Motors Action Stunt show, tower of terror, and Rockin' Roller Coaster! We finsihed off the evening at Magic Kingdom where Dan met a lot of people I work with. Heidi came and joined us for the Spectro Magic Parade and Wishes Fireworks!
On Saturday we ate lunch at the Willdreness Lodge (Same place I ate with Mo and Lee). Then we went to the Halloween Party at Magic Kingdom for the evening! We took lots of pictures that I am hoping to have soon.
On Sunday, we went to Downtown Disney to do some shopping before Dan headed back to Illinois! My camera broke wile he was here so he took it home to get it fixed! He is going to get the pictures off of it and send them to me so you can see all of the pictures!
This week I am back to my normal routine! Atleast until THursday that is!
On Thursday Aunt Jo Jo is coming with all the kids! They are doing "that other park" (Universal) and I pan on joining them on Saturday!
Next week, Aunt Kathy is coming with her mom and Tony! I am excited to see how big Tony has gotten.
On the 23rd, my mom, dad, shanna, betsy, Aunt Joni, Tyler, Scott, Erik, and Uncle Bob and Aunt Shar are comign to see me for the weekend! We are going to do the HAlloween Party and my mom, dad, Shanna, TYler, and Aunt Joni are doing a behind the scenes tour of Magic Kingdom! I can't wait to see them all.
I am also planning a trip back to Bloomington for Novemember 5th through 8th! Betsy is doing her fall play that weekend and I am going home to see it! In addition, one of my best friends Missy and her husband Jeff are having a baby at the end of the month and I can't wait to see him!
I hoe everyone is doing well! I will upload more pictures when I get them!
Love you all,

This is Princess Katie and me at the Halloween Party! She will be five in a few weeks!