Hey everyone!
As of yesterday I am an official Disney World Resident.
Out flight in on Sunday went well with little delay. Betsy and I were upgraded to first class so that we could "get to Disney World in Style!" It was very exciting! We did some shopping when we arrived and then stayed at the Marriot Village. (This happens to be right down the road from my apartment complex!)
On Monday we went to the first check in. I did what everyone does in WDW and stood in line! Things were going great until I got to the housing station. I had signed up for a roommate matching program and I had received a roommate named Heidi. We had been able to communicate (Thanks to FACEBOOK!) and had decided we were a good match. When I got to the station they told me that Heidi had already checked in and there were no longer any spots in her assigned apartment. (I about walked out!) I got a different apartment and kept going through the line. About half-way through Heidi got in touch with me and we were able to go figure out our housing "issues!" They offered us a 1 or 4 bedroom apartment (each bedroom has two people so in a 4 bedroom there would be 8 girls) We opted to have a 1 bedroom and try to make other friends! THis ended up being an excellent choice. We share a bedroom, bathroom, and HUGE walk-in closet and we still have a living room and kitchen! Heidi keeps saying we ae spoiled! (which we are!)
We moved in that day and had to attend a housing meeting which was not very interesting! Last night we went to Downtown Disney with my mom, betsy, Aunt Shar, and Heidi and ate at Rainforest Cafe (Sorry Matt its a tourist attraction!) We also hunted for HIDDEN MICKEY's which is a scavenger hunt built into the park (There are over 700 and we will find them all!)
Tuesday (This morning) we had to be in line for more registration at 8:30. I found out I will be working at Magic Kingdom on Main Street. I will do things like the train, parades, and turnstiles. Then later today I had to say good-bye to m family and Heidi and I ventured off on our own.
Thanks to Hurricane Fay (Which is starting to hit us) we are home-bound. Tonight we will finish unpacking and re-arrange furniture (Joni you will be proud!)
Tomorrow we start traditions and Heidi and I have to be on a bus at 6:55 AM dressed in our Sunday best (Buisness clothes) We do have to venture out soon to buy Panty Hose (if that is spelled correct) because we have to wear them. (Apparently its still the 1950's)
I miss everyone terribly but I can not wait until people start to come visit me. My first visitors will be my boss Mo and her husband Lee (they are a hoot!) and then some of my kiddies are coming from my class at work!
This month will be full of suprises so stay tuned for more info!!
Miss and Love everyone!
As of yesterday I am an official Disney World Resident.
Out flight in on Sunday went well with little delay. Betsy and I were upgraded to first class so that we could "get to Disney World in Style!" It was very exciting! We did some shopping when we arrived and then stayed at the Marriot Village. (This happens to be right down the road from my apartment complex!)
On Monday we went to the first check in. I did what everyone does in WDW and stood in line! Things were going great until I got to the housing station. I had signed up for a roommate matching program and I had received a roommate named Heidi. We had been able to communicate (Thanks to FACEBOOK!) and had decided we were a good match. When I got to the station they told me that Heidi had already checked in and there were no longer any spots in her assigned apartment. (I about walked out!) I got a different apartment and kept going through the line. About half-way through Heidi got in touch with me and we were able to go figure out our housing "issues!" They offered us a 1 or 4 bedroom apartment (each bedroom has two people so in a 4 bedroom there would be 8 girls) We opted to have a 1 bedroom and try to make other friends! THis ended up being an excellent choice. We share a bedroom, bathroom, and HUGE walk-in closet and we still have a living room and kitchen! Heidi keeps saying we ae spoiled! (which we are!)
We moved in that day and had to attend a housing meeting which was not very interesting! Last night we went to Downtown Disney with my mom, betsy, Aunt Shar, and Heidi and ate at Rainforest Cafe (Sorry Matt its a tourist attraction!) We also hunted for HIDDEN MICKEY's which is a scavenger hunt built into the park (There are over 700 and we will find them all!)
Tuesday (This morning) we had to be in line for more registration at 8:30. I found out I will be working at Magic Kingdom on Main Street. I will do things like the train, parades, and turnstiles. Then later today I had to say good-bye to m family and Heidi and I ventured off on our own.
Thanks to Hurricane Fay (Which is starting to hit us) we are home-bound. Tonight we will finish unpacking and re-arrange furniture (Joni you will be proud!)
Tomorrow we start traditions and Heidi and I have to be on a bus at 6:55 AM dressed in our Sunday best (Buisness clothes) We do have to venture out soon to buy Panty Hose (if that is spelled correct) because we have to wear them. (Apparently its still the 1950's)
I miss everyone terribly but I can not wait until people start to come visit me. My first visitors will be my boss Mo and her husband Lee (they are a hoot!) and then some of my kiddies are coming from my class at work!
This month will be full of suprises so stay tuned for more info!!
Miss and Love everyone!

(Heidi and me at the Wedding Pavilion touring with me mom) - You can see The castle off in the distance!
Yea!!!! You made it. It sounds like you are going to have a great time. Can't believe the panty hose? didn't know people still wore them:)
We love you and miss you
Take Care
Love, Aunt Jeanette, Uncle Jim, Jamie & Jacob
Hi Brooke,
miss you already....dad and I are looking forward to reading about all your wonderful experiences at disney...it was a quick trip down to Florida, but I am glad I got to see your great apartment and to meet Heidi....Have fun tomorrow with your next adventure and we all look forward to seeing you on Main Street at WDW....
love you,
And yet, despite my best efforts, you still chose to eat at Rainforest Cafe... sigh.
Good luck! You're going to do great!
Hey Brookie Cookie,
Just a note saying Hi. I have been thinking about you. Hope all is well.
Take Care
Love you
Aunt Jeanette
Hey Brookie...my e-mails are backed up 'cuz I've been out of town a lot the last 2 wks. I am sooo excited to read all your shenanigans & c u in clothes u don't normally wear. Only u could pull that off! I've got the perfect scripture for the meanies, nasty mouths, & kill-joys you meet: James 1:2-4 "Dear brothers & sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character & ready for anything." Bartholomew was killed by having his skin ripped off while still alive! And I know that's what it feels like sometimes when mean people leave their mark. Just know that those people don't know Jesus & if they do...shame on them! They shouldn't treat you like that!. Make Mickey proud...& Jesus, too:)
love & prayers, miss gail
(wow...i got 2 write as much as i talk!!! i thought it would cut me off at some point but i guess i can go on&on&on&on&on&on&............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
I forgot to tell you...we had 50 in GOG the first night! Yeah, pray 4 me & Rhondaaaaaaaa!~
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