Hello everyone,
With the holiday season in full swing I haven'e been able to update this as often as I had hoped! I can't believe Christmas is only 12 days away! I also can't believe that I go home in just 19 days! It is razy to think how fast this time has gone by!
Bob and Shar and the whole gang were here for thanksgiving! It was a lot of fun to have them all around, especially for the holiday. A lot of my friends were having a hard time accepting the fact that they were not with their families for the holiday so it was nice to have them around. At the last minute everyone thought it would be fun if I joined them on their Disney Cruise. With my excellent discount it was pretty cheap for me to go along so guess what?! I went along! The trip was amazing! They had suites so I ended up just bunking in Bob and Shar's room all week! (I wasn't so keen on sleeping alone at night! There was SOO much food!!
We set sail Sunday to Nassau. On Monday, we docked and went to the Atlantis hotel to their water-park. It was a little cold and it was raining but it was nice because there was no one there! We were able to get in a lot of the water-slides and then head back to the boat! We set sail again and on Tuesday we stopped at Castaway Cay (Disney's Private Island). It was really nice for most of the day! Nettie and I did Yoga on the beach in the morning while everyone played in the water. In the afternoon Bob, Shar, and I took a bike ride while the others swam with the stingrays. Then we played sports on the beach for a while before heading back on board. Wednesday was our day at sea! Most of the day it was sunny and I even got burned! The girls all had passes to the Rainforest Room (the spa) and so we hung out, sat in the sun, ate food, played bingo, and did I mention ate food! We docked early Thursday and departed our seperate ways! It was so much fun to get to know everyone a little better! By the end of the trip we all felt more like brother and sister rather than what is it second and third cousins!?
Since the Naperville gang left me I have been working a lot! I picked up some extra hours and I am trying to stay busy. Luckily my family comes in 7 DAYS! I have started to get pretty home sick. (surprise surprise Brooke is getting home sick... no one would have ever guessed!!!) I am very excited about getting to see everyone for Christmas.
I miss everyone very much and will see everyone soon! Love you all!

This is from the last time my family was here!!